sexta-feira, 1 de abril de 2011

Super - Heroes and that such a philosophy

Look at that guy in the leotard color there! Look, another jumping from building to building! Wow! He is struggling with a monster ... Well, for those unfamiliar with the universe is surprised of Super-Heroes, of course this is fictitious, but many are learning the secret that was kept alive for years by a group of fans of comics, the classic stories of the super- heroes, who are still being assessed today by a public increasingly interested in these stories, especially with the invasion of these super heroes on screen.
Every film released, a crowd is filling the theaters, the stalls packed with comics (comic books) and several products being marketed, with prints of superheroes. But what do these guys dressed up to become so popular? What they do to become so attractive?
One of the most remarkable developments in pop culture today is the strong resurgence of the superheroes as a cultural icon and entertainment, but these stories are not as innocent as they seem, they not only bring fun, is exposed in a sharp questions concerning ethics and morals, that whole 'being normal' faces in their day-to-day. These stories introduce and discuss the issues vividly paramount faced by humans, questions relating to ethics, personal and social responsibility, justice, crime and punishment, the mind and human emotions, personal identity, the soul, the notion of destiny, the meaning of our life, we think of science and nature, the role of faith in the harshness of this world, the importance of friendship, the meaning of love, the nature of a family, to the virtues classical and courage and many other topics. Why so many cling to the universe of superheroes and give wide audience to this issue. It was the Greeks who were the first to understand the causes hearing. According to the Greek philosopher Aristotle (384-322 BC), the experience (the plot on screen or reading a comic `s), strong feelings and tragic events, it was expected that people purify their own emotions, so does the viewer / reader reflect on the central problems of the human condition, the nature of fate or conflict between mercy and justice.
I imagine that no one looked at the stories of superheroes with a philosophical look.What? You still says it has nothing to do? Well, let's give some examples: everyone has heard the superhero Spider-Man, right?
Shortly after being bitten by a radioactive spider (in the movie a genetically altered spider), giving Peter Parker the power which he can turn into Spider-Man, Uncle Ben, feeling that there is something different about her nephew gives following advice: "With great power comes great responsibility." After the death of his Uncle Ben, this phrase, Peter Parker will take for the rest of his life as Spider-Man. This philosophically, is what philosophers Bentham (1748-1832) and Stuart Mill (1806-1873), called utilitarianism, where we are required to perform the action that produces greater common good. This is Spider-Man becomes a hero, saving lives, not using their powers to benefit themselves. This shows us that Peter Parker should be prepared to make personal sacrifices to fulfill their moral obligations. Utilitarians say we have no duty to do things that we can not, but that anyone who has special skills, should use them for the greater good.
But why do people save? Why risk their life fighting villains in the name of a greater good? The great German philosopher Kant (1724-1804), tells us that our primary duty is to act in a way that satisfies what he called the Categorical Imperative, a formula that dictates that we should always treat people as ends in themselves and not as mere means. But Kant also emphasizes that perform an action according to the categorical imperative is not enough for her to be good. In essence, the action must also be made for the right reasons, ie, Spider-Man should do it just because it is his duty. According to this interpretation, therefore, the intentions of our arachnid hero are relevant to the moral value of what it does.
Well, there's the example of the most famous stories of alien superheroes, Kryptonian name Kal-El or Clark Kent Earthman name, or as we all know, Superman. What a special guy like Kal-El / Clark Kent (Superman), you are doing in saving lives, instead of using his powers to their benefit, for example, using his great strength, squeezing a coal to achieve a diamond. Why it becomes a newspaper reporter, the 'Daily Planet'?Well, Kal-El/Clark Kent (Superman), would not prove much, what would be the reaction of people to know that he is an alien, and that could melt a car with a look of anger. Surely the people would be frightened by this kind of being. So Kal-El is hiding behind his glasses, hiding the identity of Clark Kent, being a citizen. Kal-El, knows he is not here, not of this world. It was created between humans, but actually is not one of us. Kal-El (Superman) is the sole survivor of his race. He is an alien, and feel very alone in this world, holding this heavy burden, his grand secret. And therein lies the key for his heroics. The basic desire to belong, to belong, is a fundamental aspect of human nature, our need to tap into the other is vital to our well-being. I assume that even if an alien, Kal-El feels the same basic need of the community.
But Kal-El, does not give back to his alien heritage, he knows that only when he uses his natural gifts of the Kryptonian race, it feels alive and engaged. Only when it acts at its full potential instead of hiding behind a pair of glasses, he participates in the truth of the world around them. Only when he is openly Kryptonian (Superman), it can be a man on earth, with exuberance and excellence. When he lives as the person really is, and applies its distinctive strengths in the service of others, he assumes his rightful place in the community, from which it is now part and in which she feels accomplished. It was no coincidence that when Aristotle sought to discover the root of happiness, he began to explore what it is to live with excellence. Superman, in his way, found the same relationship.
Since the X - men who are teenage mutants and, therefore, repugnant to normal human (as we did when we discriminate against someone), who fear and hate, trying - as the animals. But unlike normal humans, these young mutants do not hate them because of discrimination, by contrast, are struggling in these defenses. Aristotle explains this attitude of the X - men, by virtue ethics, where they lay their potential to achieve a common good.
Well, the Super-Heroes has much to say, so maybe that explains why the success in film making, and why they are so long on the market (Batman has more than 70 years, Superman almost 100 years) . The film adaptations as well as comics, the hero makes us seek within ourselves, not to be jumping from buildings or buildings in fighting crime, but doing a heroic act that can save our day.

Lipman: superheroes for thinking and philosophy for children

One of the great icons of pop culture today is the resurgence of the superheroes of comic books. Thanks to the screen adaptations of movies and animations on TV, every child knows these characters, and tries to interact with these in their play and leisure time. But what these characters can bring to our children?

Besides the purpose of entertaining, the HQ's [1] present important questions of everyday life, such as: personal and social responsibility, justice, crime and punishment, human emotions, personal identity, difference, meaning of life, friendship, love. Superheroes teach by example and show the good and justice into action.

Lipman says, the classroom, would have to devote to thinking, research, self-assessment [2]. For him, we must teach students how society works, because the way they think it works will, in due course, influence the way it works [3]. But how do children understand and question the workings of society, bringing them to research and reasoning? An education focused on the development of rationality, for Lipman is the ideal, that is, an education for thought. But how to do this today? Which use teaching tools? The school should prepare the necessary changes for this education, philosophy of delivering programs for school children. And the comics, this could be extremely helpful, they serve as teaching material for learning the philosophical thinking about society, gender issues and differences, and even the question of human understanding.

In fiction from the pages of comics, the superhero alter society, making it perfect in our eyes. If we use these stories in the classroom, with a program of philosophy for children, this tool will help in the education, redeem society. The super-heroes would go out of the pages, to become critical models of our society. Children through entertainment to better match the content, understand the society, because these stories are not so innocent so they bring in literally life experiences in our day to day.

The superheroes of the comics are great examples to follow. They teach us what to do in various situations, always showing the good side is the right way to go. The comics have always been pioneers in bringing issues of paramount importance to discussion on means of mass communication, so only the issues discussed by activists and their media restricted.

The comics always adapted to the historical context. Showing the desires of society, making the superhero guardians of morality and ethics.

Lipman was a major incentive for my research on superheroes and philosophy. His show of philosophical education for children is needed in our schools. So I come look at comics, philosophical foundations for assistance to school philosophy. With this tool, the HQ's, could do very well the relationship between education and society, in which Lipman underlay.

[1] Histórias em Quadrinhos.

[2] LIPMAN, M. A filosofia vai à escola. São Paulo, Summus Editorial, 1990. p.23.

[3] LIPMAN. Op. Cit. P.138

sexta-feira, 7 de maio de 2010

Cliff Soul

That our pleasure!
referring to who?
referring to anything!

Idolatries imaginary
filth of everyday life,
everything is in the underworld of the soul
everything is in opposite ways.

realize the perception,
idolize the soul
force the heart.

Waste your time with the madness
drink the wine of the imaginary
kill your thirst of lust.

Drink, cry, love
the life that awaits you
with a triumphant smile.

everything is at your back
everything around it.

I see things that I do not think
I notice things that do not exist
imagination ...

All I can
I believe in everything,
soul, verb, heart
I do not believe in the metaphysical
physicist has not yet awakened
atrophied soul
the heart was smashed.


The moon lights
the night I go out walking
the ladder of life
which often come down
and I can not always rise.

The night I see the wind meander
thus leading to my memories
a walk around.

I hope, pray
echo songs of glory
of repentance and forgiveness,
suffer, cry
but the tear does not echo the same song
echoes songs that are not on the agenda
Songs of war
it will wake

The stairs lead to distant places
but often lower
quiet night I sing
before tears
washing this ladder.

Many are the dreams of freedom
feel pleasure drain
agreement and I am on this ladder
I do not know where it will take me.

Ando, and walk
the stairs lead me to empty yard
and the rivers full.

Numbs my soul
calloused feet
by walking on the stairs
who takes life
or leads me to death
climb up and down
just know that I am
on the ladder.

Fly, fly little bird

Bird wants to love when

sing, sing without stopping,
is free,
displays her best plumage
to win.

The man wants to love when
do not know what does,
demand to know what love is.

Bird when you fly
opens its wings and flat in the air.

The man to fly
need machines.

I would be like a bird,
sing when I want to love,
color my means, getting embarrassed
half ashamed,
but knowing that everything is worth.

Fly like a bird,
Instead of opening the wings
open mind
and so planar
even if only on a balance of child
make me feel free
free as a roguish smile of a child.

I wanted to be like bird ...

Big Brothers Brazil

This week came to an end the entertainment of the Brazilian people, to spy on persons confined in a program most watched Brazilian TV, Big Brother Brazil 9.
Wow! Have been nine editions, and each new release, increases the desire to spy on what they do. Well, for us Brazilians, we love to know about others, this is a full plate. Vibrate, touched, twist and brothers are voting in the house. Truly is the people who decide who leaves the house, and who wins the rich prize, the coveted one million dollars.
Twist and choose who should be the new millionaire or know something weird is before my eyes. We have the false impression of knowing the people or the brothers who are confined there, because it can spy on them at any time. But I wonder whether people who are inside are really the same as they were out here. Well after leaving the house, will never be the same and so when they leave the house are estimated few worried about what we thought, and another inside, for me, they live a character in the game by one million. Therefore, I believe we have the false impression to know them because we are being led by the emotion of the scene shown, in other words, we are alienated. We look at the heroes (as he calls them, the presenter Pedro Bial), our features, and deposit these to our confidence and our virtues. We seek to identify with someone's home and delegate to it, to have the pleasure of experiencing the success that we often never have to come and cheer and rejoice, like us, the premiums they receive.
This program is nothing more than a new version of the program extinct SBT Topa everything for money, only with more emotion, like the soap operas, but there are some that will say, "bah, but one million is at stake." Well, not really found one million on the street, but even where our sense of the ridiculous will, for a certain amount of money, we got to the ridiculous, the possibility of achieving this award. We have become a clown (heroes in the eyes of some), to play the game. That show is entertainment for millions, our idiosyncrasies, our private goes to the bag, I mean going into the air. Simply those become our fetish, our longings.
We live in a time (or ever lived), where everything ends in sex, where everything is done for money, we lose our identity, our private sectors, our intimacy, for a possible award that, in most cases is uncertain. Today (or ever), we come across anything for money, sex has become money, our values have become capital, to our education. I am perplexed at the society we live in today, but the important thing is "... not get out of there, be watching. "

Equality vs. Freedom

What we believe about freedom? And equality? In the society of the contemporary world saw that? The political forms of the present world, there is none that has these two walking side by side.
Born with the Revolution and developed over the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries, the formal equality is the maxim all are equal before the law. Aims to subject all individuals and companies to the rule of law and entitled without discrimination as to creeds, races, ideologies and socioeconomic characteristics, as opposed to legal privileges based on social status and political prestige. But with the socialist influence was developed from the second half of the nineteenth century as a form of government, equality, returns to reduce social inequalities, reflecting the unequal treat the aphorism of measured inequality in order to provide protection Legal particular parts of society that often, throughout history, appear at a disadvantage. But this political regime in turn takes away the freedom of the individual, because everyone should behave as equals, injuring personal freedom.
The word freedom means the condition of an individual not be subjected to the will of another and, therefore, to have power over yourself and your actions. The ability to reason and appreciate the clever way the world around you is what gives a man the sense of freedom, understood as an expression of human will. And it is the system of "democratic" government, which in the present day (from the Cold War) is believed a system of government where men are free. But this freedom has a high price or even a camouflaged freedom, where many have no access rights to life and human dignity. Thus suffering from inequality.
As we see, there is no political system, that can work these two human needs, when looking for one, injures another. In a political system, the concept of equality, describes the lack of differences in rights and duties among members of a society. And in another system, the individual is free when society does not impose any limit unfair, unnecessary or absurd. The company must also protect their rights, that is, their liberties, powers and privileges basics. But this should defend a free society that give conditions for its members to enjoy equally the same freedom. Both political systems prevailing in our societies, sin in these human needs. While demand equality, takes the liberty of individuals, and the other where freedom prevails, the individual has no right to equality.
Just us then, to better understand the ideology of the Enlightenment, for it was there that first came the idea of political and social freedom and equality, that he had the idea to revolutionize the way we govern. But perhaps the idea of freedom and equality can go hand in hand only when the third element of the ideology of the Enlightenment, blossoming in humans, brotherhood.
But maybe it needed this century to impregnate her. Because we are (maybe) living a process of evolution Enlightenment.
It was in the nineteenth century (defined as the century of freedom, even the history of freedom struggle is contiguous to the history of mankind), that the ideal of freedom was consolidated. Fall, then the last corners of slavery. This freedom "physical" - reflected by the right to come and go and stay - is the most basic of them, and why not say, the more essential, given that all other forms of freedom are based on it.
The twentieth century, is said to be the century of equality, since from its first decades, there have been moves by the recognition of equality between men and women, between whites and blacks. It's in the past century that formed the whole ideology against discrimination based on sex, race, color, national origin, creed, marital status, social status or sexual orientation. The greatest influence was the war that was not announced, but froze the soul of many, the 'Cold War'. The countries on the U.S. side, "democratic", they begin to address the issue of equality as something of paramount importance to prevent the communist advance, where the equality / socialism was their biggest banner.
And in this century, as a matter of logic, could raise the total banner of the Enlightenment: the Brotherhood. It is the solidarity that is so present in the media, and the actions of social organizations, government and business. In this new century the focus of protecting the rights of the individual must leave and go, definitely, to the collective. Rights are inherent to the human person, not considered in itself but as a collectivity.
And perhaps that is how we will see after three hundred years, the ideology of the French philosopher Rousseau (1712-1778) and among others, that influenced the French Revolution, to work out and really show that another world is possible. With freedom, equality and fraternity.