sexta-feira, 7 de maio de 2010


Fate, I always wondered about this, is there one? Faced with the deaths, some come with that phrase "is (or was) his destiny ...", or something like that," God wanted it that way. " This sounds somewhat superstitious, mythological.
I never agreed with the excuse of fate, it was he who gave the reins of the course of things, or that it was a given that God wanted, we were this plaything. First comes to mind the philosopher St. Augustine (354-430 AD) and the theological doctrine it the 'free will', where this second man is free to choose their actions. According to the philosopher who was eventually canonized, God does not give the reins, but transferring this responsibility to the men, and after this God will judge these human actions.
About the Fate, put the same theory of St. Augustine, man is free to choose their actions. If not for fate determination, we are slaves of nature. We are not free to choose the fate in store for us all. We have no choice.
When there's something strange happens in your life, ever heard someone comment, "was the work of fate," when someone knows where there is a chemical relationship, we heard another phrase, "a thing of destiny." Or this, when someone dies, that phrase always comes to comfort, "was that God wanted it that way."
All agree that a murderer is a criminal, right! Now comes this reasoning: if an individual takes another's life, it can not be considered a murderer. For if the death of that individual is, his fate to die that way, or if, God wanted it that way, the killer would not be criminal, but as an instrument of fate or God, as they trace their purpose to your life. He is not a sinner or a criminal before the law, if we were manipulated by something metaphysical.
In nature there is a law that can explain how nature governs. "In every action there is a reaction." That is how life has evolved and continues to evolve, it can also be called the dialectic, which correspond to three data: thesis (share) versus antithesis (reaction) resulting in a synthesis (which is nothing but a resulting action) and so on. So many philosophers and historians see the history and evolution of nature.
Once the nature governing its dominion over the universe, and not a destiny or a certain God who manipulates nature. Then we can begin to acquit all criminals because they were instruments of fate or a particular mythological being. It would be a good excuse to solve the prison problem in the country.

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