sexta-feira, 7 de maio de 2010

On Love

Here is one of the greatest virtues, commands, an ideal. Love is the raw material of the poets, the influence of love. It is the motivation of morality according to the philosopher Kant (1724-1804). If you consume beyond good and evil, for the philosopher Nietzsche (1844-1900). But what is this man of love? How does it come? What is he composed? What comes to love?
According to the Greek philosopher Plato (428/27-347 BC) "Love is the son of Penia, goddess of poverty and Poros, god of ability of acquisition of wealth. Poverty, because he constantly seeks, and wealth because it constantly gives ...". I accept this explanation about love and going beyond. I tell you, love is Eros (passion) and Logos (reason), together holding hands and walking the hills of human virtue. Many commented that "... passion and love are not the same things are completely different ...", but, I believe that passion is part of love, as well as the reason. Many must think "that's crazy, love is not rational ...", but it is rational, yes. Let's see how it works.
Eros (passion / desire) is always bound to something, the "desired thing", something to conquer, something that does not have, is venerated, if you wish. Desire is the moving cause of love, desire is always directed to what it lacks. Such a desire and such grace that characterize so essentially refer to things beautiful and good. Therefore, it creates a sense of what friendship is lacking. What it is lacking becomes invaluable, a Good or Fair. But as we all know this Good / Beautiful?
The Logos (reason / wisdom) is bound to know, love is an act of coercion, is the tendency to Good or Fair, because the know, and you know this, it satisfies and stimulates Eros (desire / passion) to act, get this Good / Belo that both want, what is needed. The Logos is to know the why of what makes good, gives you a sense of wanting to do, want, lack. The Logos is the wood to burn in the flame of passion is the fuel essential to produce the light of love.
Relate Eros (passion / desire) to the goddess of poverty Penia, to the maximum of Plato, since she is constantly asking, you need something, the "desired thing". It is poverty that knows no the need of something good and beautiful.
Logos (reason / wisdom) relate to the god of wealth Poros, the reason is because it gives you the ability to acquire, to acquire knowledge. To recognize and acquire the Good and the Beautiful.
Love, agreeing with the Greek philosopher Plato, is the son of poverty and wealth, and add that love is reason and passion in a loving conversation about the Good and the Beautiful, bringing the love to be intermediate, mediator between ignorance and wisdom, never totally ignorant, and never fully wisdom, but always seeking a greater knowledge and wealth of the Good and the Beautiful into a whole.

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