sexta-feira, 7 de maio de 2010

Stumble upon yourself

What is the most important thing for life? If this question was for a hungry, the answer would be food, for those who feel the answer would be cold heat. But once satisfied all the requirements, what remains is something that everyone needs? Philosophers think so. Man does not live by bread alone. Logical that everyone needs to eat and also need love and care. But there's something that we all have and need the need to discover who we are and why we live.
Interested - in knowing that we live is not a casual interest. Who is interested in such issues touches an issue that has been discussed by the man from the time that inhabited the caves.
These questions are of some importance, it takes us to philosophize. As the world was created? Is there life after death? There is a greater will to make the story go? These types of questions were and are still made by people of all ages and cultures.
It's easy to philosophical questions, but it is difficult to answer them. In the same way, each seeks his answer. Before the mythology of every culture responded, already takes place for science to try to answer. Many of these puzzles were answered by science over the years.
We know that babies have a capacity that the adult male has lost the ability to wonder about things. Babies marvel at anything they see everything is new for them and rejoice with it. The sad thing is that as we grow "accustomed", we have become accustomed, at the same time, the world itself.
Who am I? We no longer ask. We must wake up and ask us questions. As if we were to Sleeping Beauty. Wake and wondering who we are, where am I? What universe is this? The world is hovering freely in space? Somewhere within us, shows us that life is a puzzle. And we have learned that, before learning to think. Think?
For children, the world is something new, something that arouses admiration. The adults, they experience the world as something absolutely normal. Why philosophers are considered different beings, or even crazy, they like children, marvel at the world, their lives remain more receptive and sensitive to things.
Humans agree enchanted sleep everyday! To turn out of the four concrete walls of their minds, look out, marvel at the world that is out there, they stumble in themselves and discover what is most important to their lives, and the easy answers of the toughest issues philosophical. The only thing we need to become good philosophers is the ability to admire the things ...

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